Tuesday, March 31, 2009.
Hello! :] Mr Tan said tomorrow is his birthday, but I doubt so? Haha, I've no idea either.
If it's really tomorrow, he's playing a prank. Because... Tomorrow's April Fool!
Ok seriously, I'm crapping right now. :\ Since that's the case, I shall post the homework todayyy. But I ain't giving the answers, like of course? HAHAHA.

Today's homework:
1. English Comprehension. (A Change Of Mind.) Page 55 & 56.
2. Maths Practice 1, Percentage. (Finding Percentages.)
3. Chinese Xi Zi.

Well, that's all the homwork for today I suppose? Heh. :]
Oh and, I realised I've not put the new skin yet. So sorry. X:
I'll put up the next time when I remember k! If not remind me, because I've got alittle bit of Short-Term-Memory. Haha, just kidding. But everybody of course then to forget things sometimes right. So can't blame me, LOL. ;)

Okok, enough of those stupid craps. -.-
Shall end the post now.
Bye! :]


Monday, March 30, 2009.
Hello everyone,angela posting :)This is my first time posting cause i just know the account from Ee suan.Luckly today don have homework,so can play comp.Now i almost everyday got stay back in school,cause got supp...
Sry nothing much le, got to end here! Bb!

Sunday, March 22, 2009.
Hello peeps, :D

I'll be making a new blogskin and picture for this class blog soon. I'm almost done making it, I suppose I can finish it soon. Well, I'll just put the skin when I'm done making with it alright.

Sorry that I kept changing blogskin but I won't change anymore after I've put up the new one. Oh yes, THE MUSIC. What song shall I put? I don't know, so, any suggessions?

If not, we'll not put music at the moment first. Till suggession is given? X:

P/S: I think there'll be a class BBQ during June, if I'm not wrong? I'm not that sure yet, have to ask the others first. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009.

Happy Holidays to all, even it's a bit late? :D

I'll link and relink those who wanted to be linked/relinked soon. Anyway, I'll be changing class blog skin picture soon too. It's almost the same, except some words. Cause somebody claimed that I spelled a word wrongly.

Argh, nevermind. I'll put it ASAP, hopefully by today.
That's all for now. See all of you on Wednesday! :)


Saturday, March 7, 2009.
AnikenLee here!!
Juz wanna tell u this...
Visit My Blog At http://fix-a-broken-heart.blogspot.com/
U will love it!!!
Does my blogskin look familiar to you YYJ??
I think so la!!!
Ok,ending me post here...

Hi to all.


I've decided to change a new skin because someone claimed that I spelled a word wrongly and I have to re-edit the whole picture again. So why not I just make a new and nicer skin right? :)

Everyone do make mistakes, everyone doesn't score 100marks in exams right? Oh well, forget it about that thing. Anyway this weekend don't have homework.

Enjoy your weekend! :)


Sunday, March 1, 2009.
I'm back again!~
Kk. I'm being lame here right ?
Anyone agree? Yes we agree,
Anws, classblog password changed cos Eesuan and YingJie tried logging in but cant.
So changed (:
Ask from me if you all want kays!.
&& I'm ALFIE.

Note :D
Hello and welcome to:
This class blog belongs to the class of 6/8A Honesty 2009. We appriciate if you could tag us but tagging doesn't include SPAMMING and FLOODING. Ripping or copying anything in our class blog is strictly forbidden. Don't ever look down on us or insult us! If you hate our class, keep your comments to yourself. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay in our class blog!

Peace! :D

6/8'09 :D
The class of 10 girls and 19 boys. ♥

Taught by Mr Albert Tan :D
Chinese and ME: 林老师
Art: Mdm Ang.
Music: 蔡老师
Health Education: Miss Fazilah.
Social Studies: Miss Tan.
Physical Education: Mr Koh.

Tagboard :D
You SPAM, we'll BAN.

Blogroll :D

Music :D

Archives :D

Credits :D
Blog created by Alfie.
Blogskin and picture made by Eesuan.
Music from: Mixpod
Image hosting: Photobucket
Photo edited programme: Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Photoscape.