Saturday, January 31, 2009.
Hello there :D it's the weekends again, horray. Homework? Of course we have.
I kinda forgot that who asked me to post the homwork here, so I shall post it here, for the sake of everybody. :)

• Science Workbook Revision MCQ.
• English Writing - What Is My Wish.
• Maths Worksheet 1,2 Corrections.
• 习字。
• Learn English Spelling & Dictation.
• Learn 听写。

That's all, I suppose. Well, yup thats all. :)

I hope I didn't miss anything out. If I did really missed out some, please tell me! (:

Eesuan. (:


I'm back to post.
Gahhhhh, Dylan ahh, dhun say MrTan no good.
He's doing all this for our own good. Lol.
His expectation abit too high laas.
But also cannot say he control us and give us hell mahs.
Aiya anyways, hope we can have class outing and class chalet by the end of the year.
Gahhhh, the pict, Gabriel holding the coconut like holding balls hor?
Gabriel Di looks cute.
Ahhhh Byes lovexz.

Haha!!!very long nv post liao...
How come u all say Mr Tan very good?
I think ok onli le
because rite,u see ah,everyday he call us bring five pieces of full scape,then nid to bring 2 blue or black pen,cannot bring correction tape and alot of other expectation rite?
Wah lao,everything he wanna control even wat time we sleep he also wanna control
haiya,like tat Mr Tan really giving us hell liao lar....
ok,ending my post here!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009.

Gahhhhhh, hellos. Lol.
This year is MrTan teach leis.
Not MrLow alr. )':
But hor MrTan not bad luh, only dhun passup hw then kenna scold.
MrLim worser lahhor. I hate him lohs D':.
He simply just suck (':
Ahhh sua sua dhun tok abt him lerhs only make me not happy.
I know the pict i make sibey ugly hor (?)
Must comment (!)
I upload one pict, nice hor ?
Anyw, must work hard for PSLE lohs (':
I dhun want go NA nor NT. D':
Everyone must work hard kay :'D
Lol. Lol.
Gahhhh, the pict uplaod so slow derhs )':
Finally uploaded, Sean face very jiaobin hor ? HOR (?)
Lawl. Sorry ah sean.
Gahh go post my personal blog liaos .


Sunday, January 25, 2009.
Yoooooo Guys!!!!Guess who am i.....HAHA!!!!;D
Mr Albert Tan is good but a little fierce lar D:
But like him lor :l
Mr Lim also nt bad lar(I don like hm alot when I did not hand in my work because he will nag nag nag...)
Just do our wrk and we can enjoy peace.....
Opps!!!Gotta end here!!Later u all say i sibey LOR SOR....
Dylan the Joker of class n index 25(heng ah,still stuck in the middle)

Saturday, January 17, 2009.
Hi, guess who I am? See my name at the end of post. (:

Everyone of us from 5/9'08 is in 6/8'09, so yah it's the same.

This current blogskin sucks to me. Well, it's because I just learnt how to make codes. I'll make another new & nicer one, if I have the time okay?

Yes, our form teacher for this year is not Mr Low anymore. Our form teacher this year is Mr Tan. I find him quite alright. Ahahaha. What about you fellow classmates?

You can ask me for the class blog account if you want to post. I don't mind! It seemed that this blog is getting dead right? So, yah must update often.

This is our last year in KHS, so we must treasure it. We must do well for PSLE. Hopefully we can go to the dream schools that we wanted. ;D

Eesuan, the index number 1 girl in 5/9 & 6/8, LOL.

Heyo, 6Honesty.
Oh, just posting cos Eesuan ask me post. Lol.
Hahas, MrTan is gooooddd (':
Niceeeeeeeeee (:

Note :D
Hello and welcome to:!
This class blog belongs to the class of 6/8A Honesty 2009. We appriciate if you could tag us but tagging doesn't include SPAMMING and FLOODING. Ripping or copying anything in our class blog is strictly forbidden. Don't ever look down on us or insult us! If you hate our class, keep your comments to yourself. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay in our class blog!

Peace! :D

6/8'09 :D
The class of 10 girls and 19 boys. ♥

Taught by Mr Albert Tan :D
Chinese and ME: 林老师
Art: Mdm Ang.
Music: 蔡老师
Health Education: Miss Fazilah.
Social Studies: Miss Tan.
Physical Education: Mr Koh.

Tagboard :D
You SPAM, we'll BAN.

Blogroll :D

Music :D

Archives :D

Credits :D
Blog created by Alfie.
Blogskin and picture made by Eesuan.
Music from: Mixpod
Image hosting: Photobucket
Photo edited programme: Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Photoscape.